domingo, 17 de agosto de 2014

Games with flashcards

Basketball Card Line-Up:  Este jogo é como jogo de basquete, mas mais educativo. Coloque linhas de vários cartões. Você precisa de jogadores e uma cesta de longe. Para acertar a cesta de longe é difícil para os jogadores , por isso precisam dizer o cartão e fazer o seu caminho cada vez mais perto da cesta. Quando eles sentem que podem jogar e acertar a cesta, eles fazem sua tentativa.

Basketball:  Primeiro mostrar um flashcard para S1. Se ele / ela responde corretamente, então ele / ela pode ter uma chance de a cesta. Se o S acerta a bola no cesto, em seguida ele / ela ganha 2 pontos. Se o S atinge a cesta, sem passar por dentro, então ele / ela ganha 1 ponto. A pessoa que recebe o maior número de pontos é o vencedor. Isso também pode ser jogado em equipes.

Catch me if you can: Have students sit in a circle. After reviewing the chosen set of flashcards, place them in a pile in the center of the circle. Take the first card and show it to everybody. Have one student walk around the outside of the circle saying words from the specific subject – like fruits or days - while touching each student's of the circle on the head. When the "magic" word is said, the student whose head is touched at that time, must stand up and chase the student who touched them around the circle. The first one to sit in that spot remains seated and chooses the next "magic" word. The student standing begins again; "Sunday...Monday…"

Cross the River: Place flashcards on floor in winding manner. Each represents a stepping stone in the river, as students must say word/phrase/question/etc in order to step on it and cross the river! (submitted by Michelle K).

Darts: You need a magnetic dartboard (you can get in cheap $1 stores). Place flashcards on the board and number them. Divide class into 2 to 4 teams. Then ask, "What's picture number 3?". If the student answers correctly then s/he may throw a dart for points. You can also say the vocabulary word and have students point instead of speak if their are younger or at a more basic level.

Alphabet Soup: Place plastic letters in a bowl. Divide flashcards by their beginning letters. Each student draws a letter from the bowl and then finds the flashcards associated with that letter.

Fácil / difícil: Você precisa de pelo menos 20 cartas para jogar, que você divide em duas pilhas viradas para baixo:
Uma Fácil e uma pilha difícil Dê a cada equipe 50 pontos desde o começo. Escolha um aluno e perguntar se eles gostariam de um fácil ou um cartão difícil, também perguntar quantos pontos eles gostariam de arriscar em saber a resposta: Easy e Hard 1-5 5-10.

Fast as rabbits: T puts some flashcards on the board. Then a pair of students go to the board facing the flashcards. T says words (from the flashcards) and the 2 children must touch the correct flashcard as fast as they can. The winner is who touches more flashcards first. (Submitted by Paco Santos Juanes).

Fish: Before this game you need to have the students in pairs draw and cut out a picture of a fish for each pair. While they are doing that put 2 parallel lines of tape on the floor a few meters apart. Have Ss play in twos - each student behind a different line. T shows S1 a flashcard and asks what it is. If the S answers it correctly s/he can blow once to propel the fish forward. Next, T asks S2. The S who blows the fish over the tapped line is the winner.

Four Corners: T hangs a flashcard (4 in total) in all 4 corners of the room. One S is chosen to stand in the middle with his/her eyes closed and counts to ten while the other students scramble to one of the four corners.  At the count of ten, the S in the middle shouts "STOP" and picks one corner by naming it's corresponding flashcard. The students in that corner are "out" and must sit down. Continue game until only one student r
emains; he/she is then "it" (the counter in middle). 

Guessing Question Game: This is good practice for asking simple questions. T hides any flash card behind his/her back and Ss try to guess what the object is by asking questions: "Is it a dog?", "Is it a ball?", "Is it a book?", etc. until they guess the flashcard. (Submitted by Nagwa).


Hint Animal Game: As a review of animals flashcards, T holds some cards without showing any to the Ss. Then the T tells the kids that they are going to receive 3 hints, so they need to listen carefully. For example: 1. I am yellow. 2. I have long hair. 3. I am strong. Who am I? Well, a lion of course! You can make it in deferent levels depending on how much English you use or which vocab you use.


Jump On It: Spread out flashcards on the floor and have Ss stand at one end of the room. Shout out a card and the Ss have to find the card and jump on it. The first S to do this wins a point. Variation: Make 2 teams for a relay race. The first 2 Ss try and jump on the flashcard first to win a point for their team.


Karuta: Lay flashcards on a table or the floor, picture side up. Teacher calls out the word/phrase/etc. and students compete to be the first person to grab or touch the card. If they touch it, they keep it. Game continues until all cards have been picked up. (Submitted by Blythe Musteric)

Keep the in Order: Each student has a set of cards (pictures with names) similar to the teacher. The teacher places his/her cards in a particular order in two or three rows, and so do the students following instructions. T starts calling the cards in pairs so that the two cards named change positions. Make a few changes in this way (don´t let students see the changes, they must follow them only by listening carefully). Afterwards, T. calls a student to say the cards in order. If all the cards are well placed the student can lead a new game. Students love the game and learn a lot of vocabulary. (Submitted by Amparo Andrés)


Lightning Flashcards: T stands at front of class with flashcards. Ss form two teams standing in a line. Two Ss go first and face away from the T, T says 1.2.3. what is it? and Ss quickly turn around and the first S to call out the correct answer wins a point for their team (good for review of vocab). (Submitted by Laurie Pich)

Line True or False: Put a line of tape on the floor and designate one side "True" and the other "False". Hold up a flashcard or object and say its word. If Ss think the you have said the correct word they jump on the True side, if not they jump on the False side. Incorrect Ss sit out until the next game.


Musical Flashcards: Ss walk around some flashcards in a circle as some music is playing. When the music stops T shouts out a flashcard and the Ss must race to step on that card. The first S to step on it keeps the card (1 point) and the game continues.
Musical Chair Alphabet: Place chairs in the form of musical chairs with alphabet flashcards placed on them. Start the music when the music stops the students pick up their flashcards and have to read the sound on the flashcard. The child who is unable to read is out of the game. (Submitted by Farah Najam)



Ostrich Game: This game is really good fun. You need some clothes pegs. Pair up Ss and peg a card onto each S's back. Both Ss face each other with hands behind backs waiting for T to shout "Go!". At this point they must try to discover his/her partner's hidden flashcard without letting their partner see theirs. When the S finally sees his/her partner's card s/he has to shout it out to become the winner. The Ss look like ostriches when playing this game.

Over-under: Line up the kids in two teams. Give the two kids at the front each a flash card. When you say go, the first in line says the word and passes the f/c over their head, the next kid says the word and passes the card under between their legs, the next kid over, then under, etc. The last kid in line races to the front to hand the f/c to the teacher and says the word. The first team to do so gets a point. (submitted by Sarah Litwin-Schmid).


Paper Rock Scissors: A good vocabulary game. Teach students the new vocabulary (E.g. clothes, colors, animals, etc.). Spread the flashcards in a row on the floor. Divide Ss into two teams. Have students walk on the cards from the opposite sides repeating the vocab just learned. When they are standing on the last card from their end the T says "1... 2.... 3" and the students have to put their hand in front in the form of paper or scissors or the rock. Scissors cut the paper, paper covers the rock and rock break the scissors. Repeat the activity with each student from different teams. The winning Ss can play again. (submitted by Reena Unterreiner-lal).

Pass: Sit the Ss with you in a circle. T holds up a flashcard or object and says its name (e.g. "Pen"). T passes it on to the next S who also says its name and passes it on to the next S. Variations: change directions, speed rounds, have many objects going round at the same time.

Pictionary: Good for reviewing vocab. Pick a S and show him/her a flashcard picture or whisper a word into his/her ear. The S draws the picture on the board and the first S to guess the picture gets to draw the next picture. This can also be played in teams with a point system.

Picture Recognition Game: Have all the Ss stand at one end of the room and the T in the middle. Hold up one picture flashcard and Ss come forward and whisper the word in the T's ear. If correct they can go over to the other side of the room. Ss can have as many guesses as they like.


Quick Peek: T holds a flashcard with the picture facing towards him/her. T quickly shows it to the Ss for a quick peek. The S who guesses the card wins a point.


Race Track: Lay out the flashcards like a race track with a start and finish line. Ss play in pairs or teams. S1 rolls a dice and moves a counter along the track. The S must say the flashcard landed on and if wrong must move back to the original position. Variation: put in some 'throw again' cards (e.g. brightly colored cards) and a nominate a 'crash' number on the die (e.g. if Ss throws a 6 they crash and must stay where they are and miss a turn).

Roll that Dice: Split class into 2 to 4 teams. Place flashcards on board and number them. Younger Students: T says: Point to the ______. S should point to that card. If correct then S rolls dice for points. If incorrect S gets help from team. Older Students: T says: What's picture number 4? S says the vocabulary word. If correct then S rolls dice for points. If incorrect S gets help from team. (Submitted by Tania Bibbo).

Rope Jump: you need a rope for this one! Have Ss stand behind each other in a line. Hold a rope (have a S hold the other end) at a height that the Ss should be able to jump over. On the other side of the rope spread out some flashcards or objects and a box. Call out the name of one of the flashcards/objects to the first S. S/he has to jump over the rope, pick up the correct flashcard and put it in the box. For other rounds you can hold the rope down low, so Ss have to crawl/roll under.


Shopping: This can be used with a wide range of flashcards (food pictures work well). Gather all the Ss and show them all the flashcards you have. Ask a S "What do you want?" (or maybe "What would you like?" to higher levels). The S should reply (e.g. "a hamburger, please"). T then says "Here you are" and the S finishes with "Thank you". At the end collect the objects by playing the 'Give Me' game.

Slam: Sit the Ss in a circle and place some flashcards in the middle of the circle. Tell Ss to put their hands on their heads. T shouts out the word of one of the flashcards and the Ss race to touch it. The S who touches it first get to keep the object. The S who has the most flashcards at the end of the game is the winner.

Slow motion: T holds a pack of flashcards with the pictures facing towards him/her. The last card should be turned around so it is facing the Ss but is hidden as it is behind the pack. Slowly pull the flashcard up inch by inch so the Ss can only see part of the flashcard. As the picture is slowly revealed Ss try and guess what it is. The first S to guess correctly keeps the card (for 1 point). Variation: To make it a little more difficult turn the flashcard upside down.

Snap: You need 2 sets of flashcards all shuffled together. Sit the Ss in a circle and deal out all the cards to the Ss. S1 places down a card in the middle of the circle and says the word aloud, followed by S2 placing his/her card down to form a pile. At some point 2 identical cards may be placed on top of each other and the Ss race to slam the pile and shout "Snap!". The S who slams last takes the pile. Ss should try and lose all their cards. The last S left with all the cards is the loser.

Speed lines: Have the students in two lines facing the teacher. The first students in each line are the players. Show a flashcard and the first student to correctly name it is the winner. These two students then go to the back of their respective lines and you repeat the process with the next two students. If both students say the name of the card together let them quickly Janken to decide the winner. A very important ingredient is the speed. Have lines of unequal number so that on progressive rounds the students are playing with different people. This way you don't have to worry about pairing slower students with quicker ones.

Spin the Bottle: Sit Ss in a circle with a bottle in the middle. T Spins the bottle. When it stops spinning the S it is pointing to is shown a flashcard and asked to say what it is. If the answer is correct then that S can spin the bottle. This is a good vocab review activity.


Tic Tac Toe: Place 9 flashcards (representing words, phrases, questions, etc) face down and numbered (or letters of alphabet) on a large taped grid on the floor. Students call out number or letter to see flashcard. S or team with correct response claims that space with an X or O. (submitted by Michelle K).

Touch: Place flashcards around the room and have Ss run around the classroom touching the flashcards that T orders them to do (e.g. "Touch the car" "Touch the bicycle" "Touch the bus").

Tornado: Supplies: flashcards (pictures or questions on one side, numbers on the other), 'Tornado Cards' (flashcards with numbers on one side and a tornado picture on the other). Stick the numbered cards on the board with either pictures or questions on the back (depending on the age group) facing the board. Also include 6 Tornado cards and mix them in with the picture cards. Students then choose a number card. If they answer the question correctly then their team can draw a line to draw a house. If they choose a tornado card then they blow down their opposing teams part drawing of a house. The first team to draw a house wins. (submitted by Sally Lloyd).


Up and Down: You need 2 sets of flashcards for this game. Give each of your Ss a flashcard from one set. T keeps the other set. Arrange the Ss so that they are all sitting down. T holds up one flashcard and the S with the same flashcard stands up and says the word and then sits down again. Play the game at a fast pace so that Ss are standing up and sitting down rapidly. Variation: Give each S 2 or 3 flashcards.

Uncover: After the vocabulary has been thoroughly taught sit and slowly expose a flashcard until someone can guess what it is. Reward everyone as they will tend to guess at the same time. (Submitted by: Gregory Stein)


Vanishing Flashcards Game: place a number of flashcards in front of the Ss. Give them a few moments to memorize the pictures and then tell them to close their eyes. Take away one of the flashcards and then tell the Ss to open their eyes again. The first S to guess the missing flashcard can win that flashcard (for 1 point) and take away a flashcard in the next round.

Vocabulary Tunnel: Make a tunnel for Ss to crawl through. T stands at one end and holds up a flashcard for the first S to say. After the S says the correct word, s/he can go through the tunnel. Then hold up a flashcard for the next S. (submitted by Kim Horne).

Window Game: You can only do this if your classroom has a window that you can stand outside of and look into the classroom (don't try this on the 10th floor!). Model first: stand the Ss in front of the window and go out of the room. Wave to them through the window and silently mouth some words (so it seems like they can't hear you through the glass). Look at a flashcard and then mouth the word a few times. Go back in and the S who first tells you the word you were saying can have a turn.


Zoo Game: This is a fun activity for young learners on the topic of animal noises. After teaching the animals and their noises sit each S in a different part of the classroom and assign them as different animals (to make it clearer you can give each S a flashcard of the animal they are representing). Walk around the room and talk to each S, who can only reply as an animal. E.g. T: "Hello Yumi", S1:"Moo! (cow). T: "What's your name?" S2: "Roar!" (lion). T: "How are you, Kenta?" S3: "Bow-wow!" (dog).

  • Roleta
Girar a roleta para escolhes uma cor
(Usar a roleta do twister)

1 pergunta sobre a figura e 4 possíveis respostas.

 Outros games 

  • Billion game
Colocar várias figuras viradas para baixo e colocar uma pontuação no lado posto
Dividir a turma em grupos e pedir que cada grupo escola uma pergunta para responder
Quem acertar as perguntas de maior pontuação ganha

  • Guess  game
Colocar pedaços de papel cobrindo um flashcard grande e pedir q cada grupo retire um pedaço de papel e tente adivinhar o que eles estão praticando

  • Competitions
Dividir a classe em dois grupos, mostrar um flashcard e fazer uma pergunta a respeito dele.
 Dizer start e quem souber a resposta deve correr e tocar um sino ou outro objeto que faça barulho, o que souber ganha pontos.

domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013


Games and fun

·         Poncho Carrancho

Escreva no quadro uma lista de países. Podem participar do jogo tantos alunos quantos forem os ítens desta lista, porque cada aluno vai escolher um país "para si". Assim que cada aluno tiver escolhido o seu país, explique que o jogador Poncho Carrancho é muito ruim de bola. Tão ruim, que ninguém o quer no seu time.

O jogo começa quando você diz de onde Poncho Carrancho supostamente é: "Poncho Carrancho é da França" (em inglês, "Poncho Carrancho is from France".) Quem tiver escolhido esse país vai dizer "Poncho Carancho não é da França, ele é da Alemanha" (Poncho Carrancho is not from France, he is from Germany). Quem tiver escolhido Germany vai continuar o jogo, dizendo "Poncho Carrancho is not from Germany, he's from Brazil". E assim por diante. Vão saindo do jogo aqueles alunos que não responderem imediatamente após o seu país ter sido chamado, ou fizerem frases gramaticalemtne incorretas, como "Poncho Carancho não de..." ou "Poncho Carrancho é Argentina". Vence o jogo quem conseguiu permanecer no jogo sem se atrapalhar.

·          Adaptação da atividade anterior para a prática de nacionalidades: cada um escolhe uma nacionalidade. O professor começa dizendo "Poncho Carrancho é alemão." O aluno que havia escolhido essa nacionalidade diz "Poncho Carroncho não é alemão, ele é chinês", etc.

·         Bingo de nacionalidades

Peça aos alunos que façam uma grade de Bingo no caderno, mais ou menos assim:


  Escreva uma lista de países no quadro, com dois países a mais do que o número de células da grade. Como a grade aí em cima tem doze espaços, você faria uma lista com 14 países. Sugestão para professores de inglês: Brazil - Argentina - France - Germany - Italy - Japan - Spain - Canada - The United States - Mexico - China - Portugal - England - Peru

Peça aos alunos que copiem os nomes dos países, aleatoriamente, na grade. Quando a grade de todos os alunos estiver completa com os nomes dos países, chame, uma a uma e em ordem aleatória, as nacionalidades correspondentes. Por exemplo: Francês! (Os alunos riscam na grade o país que corresponde a essa nacionalidade, no caso França). O aluno que primeiro conseguir riscar uma coluna inteira na vertical e outra inteira na horizontal, grita Bingo! e ganha o jogo. Essa atividade pode ser feita ao contrário, usando as nacionalidades na grade e chamando o nome dos países.


Expressing feelings

Projects and crafts:
1) Apresente aos alunos cartões com adjetivos que sirvam para caracterizar sentimentos. Algumas sugestões: angry/ sad/ happy/ afraid/ anxious/ puzzled/ joyful/ surprised/ proud/ fearful/ worried/ excited/ furious/ proud/ frustrated/ mad/ scared.
2) Divida a turma em duplas e distribua os cartões de modo que haja pelo menos um cartão para cada dupla.

3) Peça que cada dupla pesquise no dicionário o significado da palavra e anote no caderno.

4) Solicite às duplas que procurem uma imagem que ilustre o significado do adjetivo pesquisado. A imagem pode ser recortada de quadrinhos, revistas, etc. Desenho também vale.

5) Para socializar as produções, monte com os alunos um mural contendo pequenos cartazes feitos com as imagens e seus respectivos adjetivos.

6)ecolha os cartões e convide os alunos para m jogo. Trata-se do expressing feelings game.


Games and fun:

  • Expressing feelings game
7) Divida a turma em dois grupos. Peça para que cada grupo escolha cinco representantes, que deverão apresentar sentimentos por meio de mímica e/ou expressões faciais.

8) O professor pede para que os representantes se apresentem à classe. Depois, eles decidem no par-ou-ímpar (odd or even) quem começa. Alternando-se, vão sorteando os cartões com os adjetivos que determinarão os sentimentos que devem ser expressos diante da classe. A cada mímica, o grupo adversário deve dizer, em inglês, qual é o sentimento. Explique para a classe que a resposta deve ser: He/She is sad, caso o adjetivo sorteado seja sad, por exemplo.

9) O professor marca 1 ponto a cada acerto. Caso o grupo adversário não acerte ou não descubra a resposta, o ponto é do grupo que fez a representação.

10) O jogo termina com a apresentação dos dez representantes. O grupo vencedor é aquele que conseguir marcar mais pontos.

  • Draw feelings:  O professor pede que os alunos formem um a frase para expressar como se sentem e depois façam um desenho que represente.

  • Mime and guess:  How are you?  Em circulo entregar três lápis a três alunos, um azul, um vermelho e um amarelo, quando a musica parar , quem estiver com o lápis amarelo deve fazer uma mímica facial,  quem estiver com o Lápis azul deve perguntar how are you? Quem estiver com o lápis vermelho deve responder.

If You're Sad and You Know It (to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know it")

If you're sad and you know it,
     Cry a tear.
If you're sad and you know it,
     Cry a tear
If you're sad and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're sad and you know it,
     Cry a tear.

If you're angry and you know it,
     Stomp your feet.
If you're angry and you know it,
     Stomp your feet.
If you're angry and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're angry and you know it,
     Stomp your feet.

If you're scared and you know it,
     Run and hide!
If you're scared and you know it,
     Run and hide!
If you're scared and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're scared and you know it,
     Run and hide!

If you're embarrased and you know it,
     Hide your face.
If you're embarrased and you know it,
     Hide your face.
If you're embarrased and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're embarrased and you know it,
     Hide your face.

If you're sleepy and you know it,
     Stretch and yawn.
If you're sleepy and you know it,
     Stretch and yawn.
If you're sleepy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're sleepy and you know it,
     Stretch and yawn.

If you're happy and you know it,
     Smile and clap.
If you're happy and you know it,
     Smile and clap.
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it,
     Smile and clap.

If you're excited and you know it,
     Jump up and down.
If you're excited and you know it,
     Jump up and down.
If you're excited and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're excited and you know it,
     Jump up and down.

If you're in love and you know it,
     Blow a kiss.
If you're in love and you know it,
     Blow a kiss.
If you're in love and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're in love and you know it,
     Blow a kiss.

Teaching Tips

  • Name the emotion first in L1, then in L2.
  • Draw or copy a 5 x 7 or larger line art drawing or portrait showing each emotion. Show a picture, and have the class respond, "S/He's _______________." As students master vocabulary, call on individual students instead of class.
  • Play charades. Show one student a picture reflecting an emotion. The student must then imitate this emotion until another student correctly guesses the feeling.
  • Show class a picture that reflects emotion. Ask, "How is s/he feeling?" Await class response. "Ask why is s/he feeling ___________?" Call on students to respond.
  • Call a student outside the class. Whisper a sentence like, "The boy is sad." or "The man and woman are in love." Return to class, and ask student to draw picture of sentence. If class guesses correct sentence within twenty seconds, the artist gets a small prize


Means of transportation

 of transportation

Games and fun:
  •  Hangmam

Projects and crafts:

·      Carrinho de garrafa pet
·      Let’s make a memory game (Bounce for kids – Black line master and values, book 1)


  • Prudence: Let’s prevent accidents (Bounce for kids –values book 5, page 7)

• Respect the elderly.

• Cross the street on the crosswalk. Help the elderly.

• Hold your mom’s hand while crossing the street

• Pay attention.

• Be careful.

• Don’t run.

• Don’t cross the street if the light is red for pedestrians.

• Don’t cross the street alone.

• Don’t disrespect a police officer.

• Don’t sit on special seats on the bus or subway.

Song: The wheels of the bus

  • Categorização dos meios de transporte de acordo com critérios - Nº de rodas, Ar, Terra; Mar, etc., e apresentar um diagrama.
  • Criação de um cartaz com os meios de transporte favoritos.
  • Construção de um livro sobre meios de transporte.
  • Fazer um Mini book de dobraduras desenhar em cada página um meio de transporte e uma frase correspondende. Ex: I go to school by ...





Sports, music... 

Games and fun

Paper Airplane Game: Draw a target (with points - like a dart board) on the white board or use a cardboard box in the middle of the room. Then, students make paper airplanes and launch them after they answer your question in the form of a sentence. I don't except my beginners/low intermediate students to form complete sentence so I help them to form correct sentences. To my surprise they will repeat the sentence several times (while I'm helping them) just so they can throw their airplane. For beginner and low intermediate classes, I recommend formulating questions that lead to 1 or 2 types of answers. This allows for better memorization. For example, use CAN/WILL questions and write the beginning part of the answer on the board "I can/will...".  I recommend giving a prize to make the target points mean something, thus peaking their interest.

Projects and crafts :

A partir de figuras de pessoas ou animais  fazer um quadro sobre  habilidades .

Ex: He can play football /the piano. It can’t see. He can jump.  It can fly… (Pode ser escolhido apenas um tema: Animais , sports , Music…

Values :

·           Teamwork : Everybody plays a part in a group

·           Dignity : Let’s play fair



sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2013


Appearance /Face


 I ‘m…    I’m not…

He/she it is...          He/she/it isn’t…

They’ are …            They aren’t …

Games and fun:

  • Imagem e ação com desenhos :  A professora lê uma descrição e o aluno tem que desenhar no quadro, ou a sala pode ser dividida em dois grupos e cada grupo desenha  e pinta de acordo com as instruções.
  • Guess Who? : Cada aluno faz sua própria descrição num papel  e depois é feito um sorteio para adivinhar quem é cada um.  

Projects and crafts:

·         Let’s make a Mask  (Fazer máscaras com caricaturas dos alunos.)

·         show and tell

My name’s...

 My eyes are big/small/color

My hair is ( color)

My ears are (Big/Small)

My nose are (Big / Small)

  • Auto-retrato ( os alunos trocam os desenhos e cada um tem que adivinhar quem é , depois colar numa moldura)