domingo, 27 de janeiro de 2013

Expressing feelings

Projects and crafts:
1) Apresente aos alunos cartões com adjetivos que sirvam para caracterizar sentimentos. Algumas sugestões: angry/ sad/ happy/ afraid/ anxious/ puzzled/ joyful/ surprised/ proud/ fearful/ worried/ excited/ furious/ proud/ frustrated/ mad/ scared.
2) Divida a turma em duplas e distribua os cartões de modo que haja pelo menos um cartão para cada dupla.

3) Peça que cada dupla pesquise no dicionário o significado da palavra e anote no caderno.

4) Solicite às duplas que procurem uma imagem que ilustre o significado do adjetivo pesquisado. A imagem pode ser recortada de quadrinhos, revistas, etc. Desenho também vale.

5) Para socializar as produções, monte com os alunos um mural contendo pequenos cartazes feitos com as imagens e seus respectivos adjetivos.

6)ecolha os cartões e convide os alunos para m jogo. Trata-se do expressing feelings game.


Games and fun:

  • Expressing feelings game
7) Divida a turma em dois grupos. Peça para que cada grupo escolha cinco representantes, que deverão apresentar sentimentos por meio de mímica e/ou expressões faciais.

8) O professor pede para que os representantes se apresentem à classe. Depois, eles decidem no par-ou-ímpar (odd or even) quem começa. Alternando-se, vão sorteando os cartões com os adjetivos que determinarão os sentimentos que devem ser expressos diante da classe. A cada mímica, o grupo adversário deve dizer, em inglês, qual é o sentimento. Explique para a classe que a resposta deve ser: He/She is sad, caso o adjetivo sorteado seja sad, por exemplo.

9) O professor marca 1 ponto a cada acerto. Caso o grupo adversário não acerte ou não descubra a resposta, o ponto é do grupo que fez a representação.

10) O jogo termina com a apresentação dos dez representantes. O grupo vencedor é aquele que conseguir marcar mais pontos.

  • Draw feelings:  O professor pede que os alunos formem um a frase para expressar como se sentem e depois façam um desenho que represente.

  • Mime and guess:  How are you?  Em circulo entregar três lápis a três alunos, um azul, um vermelho e um amarelo, quando a musica parar , quem estiver com o lápis amarelo deve fazer uma mímica facial,  quem estiver com o Lápis azul deve perguntar how are you? Quem estiver com o lápis vermelho deve responder.

If You're Sad and You Know It (to the tune of "If You're Happy and You Know it")

If you're sad and you know it,
     Cry a tear.
If you're sad and you know it,
     Cry a tear
If you're sad and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're sad and you know it,
     Cry a tear.

If you're angry and you know it,
     Stomp your feet.
If you're angry and you know it,
     Stomp your feet.
If you're angry and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're angry and you know it,
     Stomp your feet.

If you're scared and you know it,
     Run and hide!
If you're scared and you know it,
     Run and hide!
If you're scared and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're scared and you know it,
     Run and hide!

If you're embarrased and you know it,
     Hide your face.
If you're embarrased and you know it,
     Hide your face.
If you're embarrased and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're embarrased and you know it,
     Hide your face.

If you're sleepy and you know it,
     Stretch and yawn.
If you're sleepy and you know it,
     Stretch and yawn.
If you're sleepy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're sleepy and you know it,
     Stretch and yawn.

If you're happy and you know it,
     Smile and clap.
If you're happy and you know it,
     Smile and clap.
If you're happy and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're happy and you know it,
     Smile and clap.

If you're excited and you know it,
     Jump up and down.
If you're excited and you know it,
     Jump up and down.
If you're excited and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're excited and you know it,
     Jump up and down.

If you're in love and you know it,
     Blow a kiss.
If you're in love and you know it,
     Blow a kiss.
If you're in love and you know it,
Then your face will surely show it.
If you're in love and you know it,
     Blow a kiss.

Teaching Tips

  • Name the emotion first in L1, then in L2.
  • Draw or copy a 5 x 7 or larger line art drawing or portrait showing each emotion. Show a picture, and have the class respond, "S/He's _______________." As students master vocabulary, call on individual students instead of class.
  • Play charades. Show one student a picture reflecting an emotion. The student must then imitate this emotion until another student correctly guesses the feeling.
  • Show class a picture that reflects emotion. Ask, "How is s/he feeling?" Await class response. "Ask why is s/he feeling ___________?" Call on students to respond.
  • Call a student outside the class. Whisper a sentence like, "The boy is sad." or "The man and woman are in love." Return to class, and ask student to draw picture of sentence. If class guesses correct sentence within twenty seconds, the artist gets a small prize


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